Sunday, August 22, 2010

Easy Putos!

No, not the Spanish term of a female dog. Puto is a popular steamed rice cake in the Philippines. I believe you can only get this @ any Asian super market. It should take about half an hour to prepare and steam. The proper way it should turn out is when the top is cracked (sort of like a flower). Most of the time it is not going to crack open if you use a Puto molder! If you steam it in a  4-5/8" in diameter and 2" high bowl, it is much more delicious than when using molders. Steaming it in small bowls, the putos (LOL) will turn out bigger but just as sweet! Here's how my first attempt at Putos turned out, perfect! & sorry about the dating on the photos, it's totally inappropriate, I do not even know how it got there, haha. :)

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