Monday, November 15, 2010

Who Owns My Heart =)

No, she's just growing up. :) It's a part of life, something that everyone will need to learn to accept. Fans need to realize that she is not always going to be a Disney girl, she's an adult now. At one point, I was one of those people that was against Miley's provocative actions, but I am realizing that she's no different from us. Only that she's rich & famous. I love Miley as a person for the fact that she clearly DOES NOT care what anti-fans & haters say, she will be herself and nobody else. I am sure she's done some things that we didn't approve of but are we so perfect to speak about another person. Imperfections are part of human qualities so to be perfect and not make any mistakes would make us inhumane. Maybe we can all learn something from her?  Check out her new music video, hot stuff! ;)


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