Wednesday, June 9, 2010

'New Book, New Girl'

So, I recently picked up an issue from Camilla Morton "A Year in High Heels" & as soon I started reading I could not put the book down! This writer could go on about Shakespeare's writings to HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR PEARLS to HOW TO WALK THE RED CARPET. If any female out there does not already own this book, they're missing out on their duties of being a woman. As far as I've read, this issue is filled with tips from how to write your 'thank you' notes, the proper way, to how to blog your way to fame. You can call it, a whole entire year of day by day quides. Obviously diet tips were not left out, not to mention tons of sources were even offered! I was browsing through the book and it seems everything you need to know is in this book, including tips, fashion icons, famous writers. This book is as witty as the writer, Camilla Morton herself. This is the issue I've been rambling about. ---------------------->

  • How to blog
  • How to diet
  • How to say your thank-yous
  • How to party like a pagan
  • How to learn a language
  • Muse of the month: Coco Chanel
  • How to do Valentine's Day alone
  • How to toss a pancake
  • How to decode dress codes
  • Muse of the month: Marilyn Monroe
  • How to wear red
  • How to be Posh
  • How to say something meaningful
These are some of the topics Camilla wrote about, just so you get an idea of the issue. If you see any topic of interest, there's more than you expect! I was pretty inspired by the writer, she is blessed with so much knowledge, aha. I'm sure as hell that by the time I am finished with this book, I'll be just as wise as Camilla herself. Thanks for reading, I'll post soon again, A bientot!

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